Join and support
You can make a difference, whether as a Friend, volunteer, or donor, your support can help us preserve this special place for everyone. As a charity, all donations we receive contribute to caring for the Garden and sharing it with all those who visit.
Friends membership
Become a Friend and enjoy free entry all year round to Chelsea Physic Garden, as well as our three partner gardens. With your help, we will be able to preserve our historic plant collection, continue engaging with our community, and safeguard the Garden's future.
Become a volunteer
The Garden’s team of 127 volunteers provides invaluable support across the charity and their numbers continue to increase. We recruit volunteers throughout the year to support all areas of our activity.
Get closer to the Garden by becoming a Patron. Your support will enable us to continue our work and ensure the Garden remains a source of learning, beauty, and joy for generations to come.
Choosing to support Chelsea Physic Garden by leaving us a gift in your Will can help us protect the Garden and share it with future generations, creating a living legacy.
Support Chelsea Physic Garden
Please consider making a donation to keep the Garden growing. As a charity, Chelsea Physic Garden relies on support from generous individuals and grant-giving foundations to care for the Garden and share it with the public. Your support can help.