Leucojum (Snowflakes)
Leucojum, derived from the classical Greek word Leukoion, meaning ‘white violet’, is the genus of plants called snowflakes, a relative of Galanthus (snowdrops).
Galanthus nivalis
Galanthus nivalis is the snowdrop species widely seen in European gardens, woodlands and uncultivated ground. It hails from Southern Europe and has been naturalised in Britain since the 1500s.
Galanthus cultivars (snowdrops)
Snowdrops are famed for their charming white flowers that speckle woodland floors and gardens to herald spring.
Chimonanthus praecox
Also known as Wintersweet, Chimonanthus praecox is a strongly perfumed shrub native to China, and it looks its best at this time of year.
Drimys winteri
Drimys winteri is a large evergreen shrub native to the rainforests of Chile and Argentina.
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