Christmas Fair 2025 applications
Applications are now open for 2025! Please choose the relevant form below and follow the instructions on the form.
Stallholder Hub
We want all our stallholders to have a great time at this year’s Chelsea Physic Garden Christmas Fair. That’s why we have created this hub to put all the information you might need in one place. From Maps to Health and Safety guides, everything you need should be right here. And if not, don’t worry, simply email and we will do our best to answer your questions.
Thursday 21 November – Sunday 24 November, 10am – 5pm (Sunday closes 4 pm)
and Thursday, 6pm – 8pm VIP evening.
All stallholders are asked to attend the VIP evening.
All materials including all rubbish must be cleared away by 7pm on Sunday 24 November. The refuse areas within the Garden must not be used for stallholder waste. If refuse is found in these areas you may face a charge for the disposal and may not be able to attend the Fair in the future. Please do not pour waste ice onto our garden, use the roadside drains.
Chelsea Physic Garden
66 Royal Hospital Road, SW3 4HS
0207 352 5646
extension 227 reception
The event takes place in our beautiful 4-acre garden just off Cheyne walk in a purpose-built heated marquee. Cheyne walk is one of the most expensive residential areas of London and as such, there is hardly any street parking on either Thursday, Friday or Saturday and only a small amount on Sunday.
Please look at the RBKC website for parking restrictions.
For Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday we advise you to unload and then drive over the Albert Bridge and park in Battersea Park. Please look on the Wandsworth Borough Council Website for more details.
This is a half-hour process so please allow enough time.
We will be open for set up from 12 midday until 6pm on Wednesday 20 (we would like to lock up at 6 pm) and from 6.30am on the morning of Thursday 21 November. The event will open to the public at 10am.
Stallholders are required to book their arrival time with Amanda. Please advise your arrival time on the hour or half-hour (e.g. 1pm or 1.30pm ) using the fair email: You will only have 30 minutes to unload your materials and remove your vehicle so please bear this in mind. Timeslots will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Entry is through a normal-sized single front door where we have no facilities to accept pallets, lorries and refrigerators.
Access to the site is level but will involve a short stretch of gravel sack trucks and trolleys with larger wheels cope better.
Two lanyards are provided at your stall in the stallholder pack. All staff need to wear a lanyard for access. If more are needed they can be purchased for £5 each from the CPG shop in Zone B of the Gift Hall.
Entry will be via 66 Royal Hospital Road and the West Gate also on Royal Hospital Road. You will be advised of your allotted entry point before the event.
Health and Safety Guidelines will be provided in your Stallholder pack – this will be on your table when you arrive. Anyone who has not read the guidelines will not be able to participate in the Fair. You can also find a copy of this document at the bottom of this page.
On Friday 22, Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 you will be able to access the site from 8am to refresh your stalls.
We do not discuss the position of any stallholder in advance of the event.
We have accommodated any special requests that you have made in advance, but we must stress that NO STALL POSITION WILL BE CHANGED.
You must not overspill your allotted space, the wide gangways are designed to allow ease of access.
There are no stock storage facilities on site.
The Physic Garden Café will offer a 10% discount to stallholders wearing their lanyards and will open at 7am Thursday and at 8.30am on Friday, Saturday & Sunday.
Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided in the gardeners’ potting shed. We ask that you keep this area tidy.
Additional food will not be provided so please come prepared. There is a small Tesco nearby and food will be available for purchase from within the Fair during the public opening hours.
In addition, please bring your own mugs and cups – we will not be providing paper cups to reduce waste.
As above, the Physic Garden Café will be offering a 10% discount to stallholders wearing a lanyard.
Stallholders are solely responsible for the safety and security of their goods, property and cash before, during and after the Fair. Security Officers will be on duty at all entrances. There will be overnight security provided by CPG on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. They are responsible for security on site but cannot be held responsible for stallholders’ stock during the Fair.
You have prebooked your electrical requirements. Either None, device charging only, lights and device charging or high usage. Your order is highlighted the the agreement which is page 2 of the your acceptance documents. If you did not prebook electrical supply then there will be no plug available for you. If you have booked please use your own extensions and only one plug.
Electrical equipment must be PAT tested.
Space heating devices are not permitted
Please take all rubbish home with you ensuring that you bring black bin bags for this purpose.
Please do not pour waste ice onto our garden, use the roadside drains.
If you leave any rubbish behind, you will not be asked to attend the fair in the future and will be charged for the cost of the disposal.
Your stall must only ever be staffed by a team member, and they must be wearing a lanyard. We cannot allow anyone under the age of 16 to work on a stall.
A Wi-Fi signal will be set up for you it has been boosted to the maximum. The password will be in your stallholder pack on arrival.
We are a garden and as such the bandwidth is not huge and the connection can be temperamental at times. We recommend that all stallholders ensure that they have a mobile phone with hotspot capabilities in the event that there is a WiFi outage.
We would like to clear the site by 7 pm on Sunday. The exit will be via the doors on Royal Hospital Road.
The Garden team will be unavailable to assist with loadout.
We encourage you to post on twitter and Instagram during the Fair. Please do tag the Garden in your posts and we will make our best efforts to retweet and draw attention to your posts. You can follow us on Instagram, @chelsea_physic_garden and on Twitter, @ChelsPhysicGdn.
During the Fair we will be using the hashtag #CPGxmasfair so please also feel free to use this to help us see and promote your posts.