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Talk: The Resilience Blueprint: Natural Medicine, Botanicals, Diet for Longevity & Brain Resilience with Dr. Dani Gordon

Friday 21 April 2023, 6pm - 7pm

We’re very excited to welcome back Dr. Dani Gordon for an evening talk on her latest book, The Resilience Blueprint: Beat burnout and get your bounce back, 2023.

Dr Dani Gordon will guide you through the various resilience types to help you find yours and offer scientifically backed health advice on natural medicine, botanicals, diet for longevity & brain resilience. She will share her burnout recovery protocol and how to increase resilience & wellbeing if you are living with a chronic health issue. A Q&A will follow with the audience.

Dr Dani’s books will be available for purchase and book signing following the talk.

Booking Information:

Tickets are £25 per person

(Concessions: £15 per person for Students, Universal Credit, Pension Credit, Refugee Status, and Asylum Seekers)

This event will take place in our first floor ‘Gallery’, unfortunately this space is not wheelchair accessible. Please email if you would like to discuss accessibility.

No discounts for Friends of the Garden.

The Speaker

Dr. Dani Gordon

Dr Dani is a double board-certified medical doctor, integrative medicine physician and world leading expert in CBD, cannabis medicine, brain wellness & stress resilience. She was one of the youngest physicians to become American board certified in Integrative Medicine (the newest US physician subspecialty), co-founded the UK Medical Cannabis Clinicians’ Society (MCCS), trained the UK’s first cannabis medicine specialists.

She has lectured at Imperial College, King’s College, and UCL on medical cannabis. She also developed the first medical cannabis training program for physicians in the UK and is a consultant for clinical research in cannabinoid medicine working with top researchers around the world. She is a published researcher and 2-time author.

This Talk is part of our Chelsea Physic Garden’s 350 anniversary year.

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

Friday, April 21, 2023 06:00 PM to
Friday, April 21, 2023 07:00 PM

Registration End Date

Friday, April 21, 2023



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