Microclimate emergency
Climate change impacts everyone. That's why here at Chelsea Physic Garden we've declared a microclimate emergency.
Weather data
When the Apothecaries founded the Garden in 1673 its microclimate was a big part of their decision. Warm air currents and its location on the bank of the Thames made it the perfect place to house their growing collection of plants.
Index Seminum
The seed exchange of plant material enable Botanic Gardens all over the world to introduce new plants to their countries and to maintain interesting and diverse collections within their grounds.
Gardener’s Blog
Nell Jones, Head of Plant Collections, fills us in on what he and the team are up to each month. Our glasshouse project is well underway and lots of plans are afoot to restore the gardens to their original splendour.
Florilegium Society
Chelsea Physic Garden has played a central role in the development of botanical painting in the UK and abroad and our Florilegium Society continues to contribute to this.