Seed Dispersal
Discover the interesting world of seed production and seed dispersal. Students will examine seeds from around the world, create observational drawings and identify dispersal methods. Students will also have the opportunity to plant their own seed to take away with them.
Approximate Half-Day Schedule
Introduction to Chelsea Physic Garden, seed formation and seed dispersal. Students will have the opportunity to study the world’s largest and world’s smallest seeds.
Students will split into at least two groups. One teacher led group will participate in a self-guided tour of the garden foraging for seeds and determining their dispersal method. They will also study several seed artefacts and have the opportunity to sketch them. The other group, led by one of our education team, will be given a scientific tour the garden. the two groups will then swap.
Students will make their own seed and investigate how a seeds weight might effect its dispersal.
National Curriculum Links (NCL)
describe the life process of reproduction in some plants (Science – Year 5)
identify the effects of air resistance (Science – Year 5)
recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things (Science – Year 4)
plan different types of scientific enquiries to answer questions, including recognising and controlling variables where necessary (Science – KS2)
to improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing (Art – KS2).
Pre-visit Ideas
Introduce Botanical Gardens,, and Chelsea Physic Garden, to your students
Revise the parts of a flower and their functions. The plant reproduction booklets created by Science and Plants in Schools offer free lesson plans and resources which can be found here and here
Watch David Attenborough’s ‘Life of Plants’. There is a fantastic section on seed dispersal.
Watch some of the amazing TedEd videos about plants and complete their online lessons.
Post-visit Ideas
Complete the Seed Dispersal revision questionnaire (These questionnaires are designed so students both revise the topics covered and provide feedback on the activities themselves)
Students could teach a class assembly on seed formation and dispersal.
Complete some of the seed dispersal lessons offered on the Science and Plants in Schools website.
Sign your school up for the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award
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